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Oct. 1, 2014
Town of Princeton, Mass.   ---          Oct. 1, 2014

PLANNING BOARD  – Minutes  --  Regular Meeting

7:30 PM  The meeting was opened by Chairman Jon Fudeman. Present were: Tom Daly, Ann Neuburg, John Mirick, Richard Bisk and proposed alternate member Rud Mason.

New Business  

It was noted that Rud Mason had not been officially appointed or sworn in as PB alternate, so selectmen will be notified so that they can act on it at their Oct. 6 meeting.

Old Business

Board discussed procedure at the May Annual Town Meeting for entering lengthy text of Section XIX into the record. It was noted that copies of the text were provided at the May 2014 ATM, but the actual motion did not refer to that fact. All agreed that John F. will check with John Lebeaux on getting the text of the bylaw approved at the next town meeting.

John F. had distributed definitions from several sources of the word “nursery,” as a definition needs to be added to the glossary in the zoning bylaws. The board voted all in favor to adopt the following:  “A place where young plants, shrubs  or trees are grown for sale or for planting elsewhere.”

John M. suggested changing the word “structure” in the glossary, as used in Sect. VI, 1. (D) & (E), to mean “building” but before finalizing this change, he will check for any other “structure” references in the bylaws.

John. F. reported that he contacted the owner Bill Gagnier after a large truck was observed parked in the space reserved for compact vehicles in front of Gregory Store. Mr. Gagnier pointed out to Mr. Fudeman that the use contemplated in the special permit had not commenced, and he questioned if the parking restriction at issue was applicable at this point.
Board will ask for signs, as required in Site Plan conditions, to be installed before occupancy permit is released.

Administrative Business

Board voted all in favor to approve minutes of Sept. 17 as amended to include a mention of Rud Mason participating in discussion of gravel removal bylaw.

8 PM  Board voted all in favor to adjourn

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, Admin. Assistant

Referenced Documents:  Princeton Zoning BYLAWs May 2012

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department